How long does shipping usually take?

Shipping times may vary depending on your location, but under normal circumstances, you can expect your order to arrive within 2-3 weeks, barring any unforeseen issues during transit.

I'm in a hurry. Do you offer express shipping?

Yes, we do offer express shipping options for customers who need their orders faster. Please note that this service comes with an additional fee. If you're interested in express shipping, please contact us for more information and pricing details.

Can I track my order?

Yes, you can. Once your order has been shipped, we'll send a tracking number to your registered email address. You can use this number to check the current location of your package on our website or the courier's site.

Do you offer pair sets or bundle sales for two items?

Yes, we do offer pair sets. We have special paulownia wood boxes available for pairs, allowing us to package two items together in one box with gift wrapping. These sets make perfect gifts for parents or wedding celebrations.